Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ultimate Nutrition Files Bankruptcy!

On December 17, 2014, Ultimate Nutrition filed for Chapter 11.

Ultimate Nutrition is based out of Connecticut, and the news is that they had a $13 million bank loan that they were unable to get a new lender to help cover.[1]
There are about 40 creditors who are owed money.
They are most well known for their ProStar 100% Whey Protein powder, as well as the IsoCool pure whey isolate powder.


Speculation as to what happened

Reports also blame “regulatory scrutiny” over their inability to get the loan extended. We’re unsure what that means, but it’s clear that running a large (but not enormous) supplement business carries a lot more weight and is a tough area for many companies to be in.


What’s next?

There’s no news as to what happens next, but there will either be a creditor who provides cash to rescue the company in exchange for ownership, they will be bought by a larger company and absorbed, or theirassets will be auctioned off.


Any deals coming?

In the meantime, there might be some deals, so you can head over to our Ultimate Nutrition page and click on monitor this brand to get notified of any substantial price drops.
We’ve never had any communication with Ultimate Nutrition, so we don’t have much insight.


Likely ending to a wild 2014

This closes out a year of a lot of industry consolidation, liquidation, and subsequent drama, notably highlighted by Gaspari Nutrition’s bankruptcy and subsequent sale. This will be discussed soon in our Top 10 Industry Items for 2014.

Story courtesy by PricePlow

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