About Body By Ian

About Body By Ian
 Body By Ian is about the whats what of the bodybuilding/fitness industry, some of the hottest event coverage in Bodybuilding, my journey of being a Cancer Warrior, food and recipes, sports especially football, WWE, Bodybuilder/personal trainer, and more.  
About Me 
Hey my name is Ian.  A few years back, I wanted to be healthy and fit so I decided to get my body right. After working out 5 days a week and eating right, I lose over 100 pounds.

In 2012, I was diagnosed with CTCL, a rare Lymphoma Cancer. I was Stage 3, which is 80% of my body was covered with CTCL. This made me become a Cancer Warrior and this has help me spread the word of my story and helping others become warriors too.

Today, I'm helping people out with their diets, training and physiques. Helping people with my story and hopefully their story can inspire themselves and others to become warriors too and working towards becoming a bodybuilder. Plus, enjoying life!!!!

Body By Ian Stats
Body By Ian Views (all time): 4,044,382
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