Monday, May 2, 2011

Cedric McMillan's thoughts on Europa - Orlando show

No, I didn't celebrate... I went back to my room and sat on the patio and cried for all those guys that busted their asses and worked so hard and left the show disappointed. I know that feeling and I don't wish that on anybody. If there were forums around all those years Ronnie was taking losses, the forum people would have written him off a long time ago. All my comrades that just turned pro are saying "please give us time to become who we are destined to be in this sport" we can't come out and become number 1 like Phil, or turn pro and go to the top like Evan. We have our separate destinies to go through. No matter how we show up, we all give it everything we got. It's not like we say "I know my conditioning sucks but fuck it, I'm going to the show" or "I know I'm not big enough but so what". We all want to be our all time best and we all want to win but sometimes our destiny and/or our physiques just don't go the way we want them to. Only a couple people are blessed to show up perfect every show and then they still get shit talked about them because there clavicles are too narrow or cause the took a year off. We all are trying very hard to do good. All our careers go in different places. Some of us will eventually find a good formula and make it happen. Some of us can never figure out our body's and quit because we feel hopeless and frustrated.

I cried because I could feel all the frustration of the guys I placed ahead of and I was sad that I won a show that the judges thought I should win but the majority of the Internet populous felt I sucked. I place others opinions ahead of my own because they look at me from the outside and view me in a way that I can't view myself. Ok, I looked like shit, I wasn't conditioned, and I was too small... If I knew it wouldn't be disrespectful to the judges, I would have not accepted first and given my placing and money to any of those guys that were up there with me. Material things are not important, being good to people, and loving people are... I cried because I got to know those guys and I love them, and it broke my heart that they didn't win... To the point that I feel I have no reason to celebrate. Guys, I apologize for getting a placing that I didnt undeniably deserved. I will keep trying to get better, and I pray to God that I can develop into a bodybuilder that everyone approves of.

Marcus, Ev, Fou, Seth, Jason, Mike L, Manuel, Lee B, Mark A, Joel, Guy, Jeff, Shawn Rhoden, Darron Glenn, Steve Kuclo, B Ray... Y'all my dogs... I love y'all boys. One day we all we be considered some of the best

 I like what Cedric has to say. He keeps it real! He's very humble & he wants everyone to succeed but at this moment, he was at this show. Cedric has done about 7 shows & everybody jumps on him & the rest of the new guys to win right away. Not everyone can be a Phil Heath or Evan Centopani in the bodybuilding. Good job Cedric & I'll see you at the NY Pro.

Courtesy by MD

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