Thursday, June 23, 2016

Prescribed Rest Periods

Here are 3 key points which explain why keeping your rest periods to the prescribed number is so important, and how it will slow your progress down if you fail to do so.

1. Energy Systems 

The intensity, workload, and rest you take between sets will dictate which energy systems come into play at given times during your working set. You've got 3 major energy systems which are all unique in their own way and to maximize your body composition changes and performance levels it's very important that you train them specifically. The prescribed rest periods can help any training plan specifically target different energy systems at different times. 

This means that you're able to improve overall body composition and maximize performance, so do NOT overlook the prescribed rest periods.

2. Muscle Fiber Recruitment 

By following specific rest periods you're dictating the tempo of your workout. As you've already found out this in turn will impact on which energy systems are most heavily used during the workout. It will also dictate which muscle fibers come into play, and along with that, it will dictate the intensity. 

Intensity, combined with set rep ranges and rest periods (and rep tempo) ultimately will determine what muscle fibres come into play. This is very specific about targeting all fiber types which is why you cannot afford to allow your rest periods to go over!!!

3. Heart Rate 

Ultimately keeping your heart rate elevated for periods of time during your workout won't just exercise your energy systems, it will lead to more calorie consumption which in turn helps you burn more fat. This is another reason why rest periods are so important because they will ensure that your heart rate doesn't drop too low during the workout.

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