Thursday, June 23, 2016

Fighting Stubborn Abdominal Fat

The abdominal region is a very common area where people hold stubborn body fat, some hold it further up their stomach as where others hold it in the lower region of their abdominals around the belly button. This is VERY common, so you're not the only one dealing with this issue. 

Here are the 4 KEY factors for you to consider in relation to stubborn body fat in general, which will then also address the fat around your abdominal region. 

How Many Calories Are You Eating? 

It is very common for people to think that they eat healthily, therefore, they expect to get lean. However, calories are the determining factor ultimately (although they aren't the only factor!!) and you will be surprised how easy it is to overeat!! Calories QUICKLY add up. 

Even if you think you know what your eating unless you're actively tracking your food intake it is highly likely you're misjudging your intake somewhere along the line which will then make losing your stubborn fat harder, or impossible. 

Start tracking your food again, you might be surprised. 

How Lean Are You? 

If you aren't reasonably lean (around 12% or below for men and around 22% for women) then you potentially don't need to "refeed" as frequently as you are. It's very common for people to justify a refeed or cheat meal too frequently as where in reality they are just destroying the energy deficit they've created all week. 

When you consider it's not uncommon for a cheat meal (pizza, cheeseburger, and fries, takeaway etc.) to contain 2,000+ calories that will quickly devoid a small deficit which you've created throughout the week. 

It's generally only those who are lean who need to refeed this aggressively and that doesn't always mean weekly. It will depend on from one individual to the other, however, don't justify it just because you feel like it. 

Are You Eating Enough? 

Another extremely common reason why you will experience stubborn body fat is under eating believe it or not. This is especially the case if your protein intake is too low along with your calories because you're going to create an environment where your metabolism will underperform. 

Eating enough of the correct nutrients is essential for fat loss because it creates your baseline and helps retain muscle tissue which also boosts your metabolic rate. Remember, the more you can eat while staying in the same condition the easier it is to lose fat when you need to make reductions as you have more space to move into. 

Are You Being Realistic? 

What is your starting point and how long have you been 100% committed to your program? Sometimes I find it's simply a case of having more patience and being willing to work hard enough. 

If you're in a position where you've got 30lbs of fat to drop understand that this will take the time to do it properly, you need to have the right mindset!

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