I've witnessed first hand on many occasions individuals struggling to lose fat because it is VERY stubborn, even when their calorie intake is a deficit, once they reach a certain point.
Why does this happen?
The endocrine system which is our hormone network can be a very powerful thing in relation to changing your body composition, sometimes helping you and sometimes making it almost impossible to lose fat.
This is why a lot of my emails on nutrition are about looking at the bigger picture and aiming to optimise your hormonal response from the foods you eat. This is where nutrition becomes more than just calories.
In relation to your hormones oestrogen has to be one of the most common problems among men when it comes to stubborn body fat. If your oestrogen levels are not balanced correctly you'll find the following areas can be VERY stubborn in relation to fat loss:
- Chest area, around the nipples and at the side of your pecs
- Back of your upper arm, around the triceps
- Abdominal region
These are all areas which a lot of men really struggle with, and often I find by taking a closer look at their body and even after blood tests you'll find that oestrogen is causing some of these problems.
Here are some things which you can do to help manage your oestrogen levels more effectively.
1. Eat 4-5 servings of green vegetables each day, consisting of kale, spinach and broccoli mainly. These foods help manage oestrogen levels effectively through natural suppressants within them. Mushrooms are also rich in something known as I3C (indole 3 carbinols) which is a natural oestrogen regulator.
2. Take care of your natural testosterone levels, using Omega 3 rich foods to help support production and increase your "free testosterone" levels.
The best way to mediate oestrogen as a long term plan is to stay LEAN. The aromatase enzyme which converts testosterone into oestrogen lives in fat cells, which is why men with high body fat have oestrogen issues. I say this as a long term plan because obviously if you're not lean you need to get there first, and overcome the oestrogen issues you're facing. Along with regular cardio, training frigging hard using Y3T and eating plenty of vegetables rich in I3C it's a matter of consistency as is always the case.
Neil Hill
PS if you find that oestrogen is a continuous issue, even after trying the above for long periods of time in a calorie deficit then I'd recommend you have blood work done to get a full breakdown of your hormone profiles.
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