Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New pics of IFBB Pro Steve "The Ram" Silverman & I Plus Workout

IFBB Pro Steve Silverman and I at Diamond Gym

Delts and Biceps
Spider Curls 7 x 12 FST-7
Rope Hammer Curls 3 x 10-12*
Incline DB Curls 3 x 8-10
Reverse Curls 7 x 12 FST-7*

Side Laterals Raises 3 x 8-12, 1 x 50 rest-pause
Side Laterals Partials 3 x 8-12, 1 x 50 rest-pause
Power Press 3 x 8-12, 1 x 50 rest-pause
Bent Over Raises 3 x 8-12, 1 x 50 rest-pause
Side Laterals Raises, Behind the Back 3 x 8-12, 1 x 50 rest-pause

FST-7 rest 30-45 seconds between sets

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