Saturday, August 8, 2015

Challenges and Comebacks Dealing With CTCL

Let me discuss about what challenges I have or had dealing with my CTCL and what has helped me stay positive. Dealing with any illness makes you tired, sick or whatever slows you down. Yesterday after therapy (which is called Photo Therapy aka Standing Tanning Bed) or that's what I call it, I felt real sluggish and I wanted to sleep. I took a nap and felt so much better. Let me talk about the challenges first and then my setup for a comeback.

At times, I didn't want to do anything. I was depressed for a little bit and my wife noticed this Big Time. She noticed I wasn't the same person that I usually am. I didn't want to workout or go anywhere. I felt tired a lot. My weight would fluctuate often. My calves would swell up and I've seen water come out of them. My joints were sore often. Snoring was horrible for my wife due to the fact she had to listen to it and I sounded like a bear. I thought this was crazy and freaking out. People would look at me funny or strange. Almost like a side show freak or the question, what's wrong with your skin? Why you itching so much? So I need to make a change. The one thing I need to change was my mindset. 

Comeback to my Old Self
The one thing I love to do is lift some weights. I figured bodybuilding would be a great thing for me. It's an one man sport yet you need a team or support system to help you out. I know that sounds odd. You need to start off with a game plan. You hit the gym so many days per week, make sure you prep and eat the 5-6 meals a day. Slowly but surely, this helps out and maybe not you but other people see the commitment that you have and can inspire others to change to. I did notice my joints weren't sore as much anymore. My body was shaping up and I know some things were looking good on me. My co-workers saw a difference and giving me the "Keep It Up!" My sleep was getting better, recovery was getting better and the snoring slowed down a lot. It's so funny when people go out to whatever fast food place that they want to eat is okay but when you bring out the Tupperware container of your food, they look at you with the "what's that?" look. 

In conclusion, Bodybuilding has stepped me out so much. I may not go and compete on a stage but this competition versus cancer is the battle that I'll win! I know with my team and/or support system, I can do many things that will make me succeed. To my cancer warriors, their system team, Please encourage our fellow warriors to stand up and defeat this disease/illness. We can do this!!! Thanks taking the time to read this!!!


Unknown said...

Keep it up Ian!

Unknown said...

You are welcome. Keep it up Ian!

Unknown said...

Keep it up Ian!