Friday, June 26, 2015

Update Dealing With CTCL

Summer time is amongst us and dealing with CTCL can be horrible. Due to the heat, my skin would flare up but so far (knocking on wood) it hasn't yet.
The three main things that has help me during this summer so far is to be moisture, keeping cool and being stress free. Stress can do some numbers on us in general. I noticed that my skin would flare and gets very itchy. You definitely don't want that! So my stress reliever has been the gym and it's done wonders for me. My performance, stamina and endurance is a lot better. You're leaving everything out on the weights and cardio.

Staying moisture helps out so you don't have any dry skin especially when the weather gets real hot or you might be itching somewhere on your body. My go to to keep my skin moisture is Shea butter and Vaseline. Twice a day: after morning and post workout shower. Apply a good coat and that should last you. If you're out and about, get a little Vaseline and cocoa butter stick.

Keeping cool is just what it means. Drink lots of cold water to relax our mind and body and this will keep the skin from flaring up. Remember, this is what I do and it works for me. If your doctor tells you something else, follow it. Make sure you pack an extra shirt so once you're done with the gym, you can change into something that isn't sticky and sweaty. I hope these tips work for my fellow cancer warriors and We Can Beat This!!!!! That's talking about with all cancers not just mine.

Update on my last doctor's visit, which was on June 22nd. It was my quarterly visit to UPenn and I got a great report. I look better this time than I did in March. She likes the way I'm improving. I'm still doing Photo Therapy aka standing tanning bed twice a week. My doctor always wants me to get some Vitamin D from the sun besides the supplement. Best news I got was that I don't have to go back for another appointment until October. This is great news!!!! 

Signing off and more personal details of CTCL coming soon. Hopefully, you understand what I'm dealing with and if you know someone who's dealing with CTCL or other cancer(s), Support and encourage them to beat the battle. No matter what, they're Cancer Warriors!!! 

PS: Please stop and shop at the Body By Ian Store and get yourself something. It's great clothing that customize and good prices. Some of the proceeds will benefit cancer research!!!

1 comment:


I never knew that this particular cancer caused so many personal inconveniences; man, I'd never want to imagine having to apply Vaseline to my skin to prevent flare ups and such. I admire your fight brother and if the gym is one of those things that keeps your cancer and its effects at bay, then keep on pumping that iron! #onlythestrongsurvive